Thursday, February 12, 2015

My Opinion on Dog Companionship

We've all seen the guy in the grocery store parking lot with a sign for free puppies. More often than not I can't resist the temptation. I must cuddle. I kiss their little heads and croon "I loooooove you" shamelessly for anyone nearby to overhear. Then I politely smile at the human while I place the puppy back in it's box or crate and walk away. Puppies should not be an impulse purchase.
How many of you have done this?
Now, how many of you have done the same thing to an adult dog?
I'm raising my hand. Yes, I do this with adult dogs too. The ones that will let me.
If you did not say yes to the second question, please please PLEASE don't ever get a dog.
I live in the country where the average home sits on an acre of land and fenced yards are few and far between. Dogs here come in three flavors: The beloved house dog, the working ranch dog, and the we-got-it-for-the-kids-when-it-was-cute-dog. The latter is typically chained to something in the yard and is often seen running back and forth on his chain through mud he has created by tipping over his own water bucket. He wags his tail and barks every time someone walks past because, dammit, he just wants someone to give him affection.
This breaks my heart.
If you can not honestly say that you think adult dogs are as lovable as puppies, don't get a dog! When you're children beg you for a pet, don't cave in. Moms and dads always shoulder the full responsibility of a family pet. Depending on the breed, dogs can live anywhere from 8 to 18 years. Eighteen! The commitment of a puppy can be the equivalent of having a child.
Dogs are lovable and kind. They are people pleasers and attention whores. If you can't give them what they deserve. DON'T GET A DOG!

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